04 March 2010

Strawberry Dress Redo

When shopping a sale rack my eyes begin to blur,
and I don't even see what I am buying.
I just start grabbing stuff.
If it's cheap, I buy it.
Which would explain why I bought this size NB dress
for my daughter that was born in December.
She can't exactly fit into it anymore.
So I took a plain onsie, and turned it into a bigger dress.
One that will fit my chubby girl.

However, the dress was really hard to get on over her chubby cheeks.
In fact, I had to put it on her by putting her legs in first.
So, I am thinking about just making it into a skirt instead.

It was cute while it lasted though.

Participating in Strut You Stuff Thursday over at somewhat simple.

1 comment:

  1. Look how darling she is! Love the dress- would love to see the skirt if that's what you do from here. :)
    If you're interested, we have a Friday Fun Find party... we'd love it if you'd link up!
